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件名:Mall E-Cへのエキサイティングな投資機会:Eコマースと教育サービスの融合

親愛なる投資家の皆様へ このメールが皆様にお元気で届くことを願っています。私はJoniver Juaneと申します。本日は、成長と収益性の可能性が大いにある革新的なビジネス事業「Mall E-C」をご紹介させていただきます。 Mall E-Cについて Mall E-Cはフィリピンに拠点を置く先駆的なEコマースプラットフォームで、急速に拡大するデジタル市場のニーズに対応するよう設計されています。当プラットフォームはwww.mall-e-c.comにてアクセス可能で、さまざまなカテゴリーにわたる豊富な製品を提供し、シームレスで使いやすいショッピング体験をお客様に提供しております。 私たちのユニークな価値提案 Mall E-Cの特徴は、他のEコマースプラットフォームと異なり、販売と教育サービスの独自の組み合わせにあります。豊富な製品ラインナップに加え、統合型の教育サービスも提供しており、オンラインコース、ウェビナー、各分野のパーソナライズされた個別指導など、学生や専門家、生涯学習者の教育ニーズに対応しています。 Mall E-Cへの投資の魅力 投資のご案内 当社は現在、次の成長段階に向けた投資を募集しております。この成長段階には、プラットフォームの強化、製品およびサービス提供の拡大、マーケティング活動の強化が含まれます。皆様のご支援をいただければ、Mall E-CはEコマースおよびオンライン教育分野のリーダーとなることができると信じております。 この機会についてさらに詳しくお話しし、皆様の投資が私たちの成功にどのように貢献できるかをご一緒に探ることができれば幸いです。詳細な情報をお求めの方や面談をご希望の方は、[email protected]までお気軽にご連絡ください。 このエキサイティングな機会にご関心をお持ちいただき、ありがとうございます。皆様と協力できる可能性を心より楽しみにしております。 敬具 Joniver Juane創業者Mall


Asunto: Oportunidad de Inversión Emocionante en Mall E-C: Combinando Comercio Electrónico con Servicios Educativos

Estimados Inversores: Espero que este mensaje les encuentre bien. Mi nombre es Joniver Juane y me comunico para presentarles un innovador proyecto de negocio que creo tiene un enorme potencial de crecimiento y rentabilidad: Mall E-C. Acerca de Mall E-C Mall E-C es una plataforma pionera de comercio electrónico basada en Filipinas, diseñada para satisfacer las crecientes necesidades del mercado digital. Nuestra plataforma, accesible en, ofrece una amplia gama de productos en diversas categorías, proporcionando a los clientes una experiencia de compra sencilla y amigable. Nuestra Propuesta de Valor Única Lo que diferencia a Mall E-C de otras plataformas de comercio electrónico es nuestra combinación única de servicios de venta y educación. Además de una extensa variedad de productos, ofrecemos un servicio integrado de tutoría. Este servicio incluye cursos en línea, seminarios web y tutorías personalizadas en varias materias, satisfaciendo las necesidades educativas de estudiantes, profesionales y quienes buscan aprender a lo largo de la vida. ¿Por Qué Invertir en Mall E-C? Invitación a Invertir Estamos actualmente buscando inversiones para impulsar nuestra próxima fase de crecimiento, que incluye mejorar nuestra plataforma, expandir nuestras ofertas de productos y servicios, y aumentar nuestros esfuerzos de marketing. Creemos que con su apoyo, Mall E-C puede convertirse en un líder en los sectores de comercio electrónico y educación en línea. Estaríamos encantados de discutir esta oportunidad más a fondo y explorar cómo su inversión puede contribuir a nuestro éxito mutuo. No dude en comunicarse con nosotros en [email protected] para programar una reunión o solicitar información adicional. Gracias por considerar esta emocionante oportunidad. Esperamos con entusiasmo la posibilidad de trabajar con usted. Cordialmente, Joniver JuaneFundadorMall


主题:在Mall E-C投资的激动人心机会:结合电子商务与教育服务

尊敬的投资者 希望您安好。我叫 Joniver Juane,很高兴向您介绍一个创新商业项目——Mall E-C。我相信此项目具有巨大的增长潜力和盈利能力。 关于Mall E-C Mall E-C是一家位于菲律宾的先锋电子商务平台,专为满足数字市场的动态需求而设计。我们的平台可通过www.mall-e-c.com访问,提供各类丰富的产品,旨在为客户带来便捷、友好的购物体验。 我们的独特价值主张 Mall E-C的独特之处在于结合了零售和教育服务。除了多样的产品,我们还提供一站式的教育服务,包括在线课程、网络研讨会和个性化辅导,满足学生、专业人士以及终身学习者的教育需求。 为什么投资Mall E-C? 投资邀请 我们目前正在寻求投资,以推动下一阶段的增长,包括提升我们的平台,扩展产品和服务,以及加强我们的市场推广。我们相信,在您的支持下,Mall E-C能够成为电子商务和在线教育领域的领导者。 我们诚邀您深入探讨此机会,并探讨您的投资如何促进我们的共同成功。请随时通过[您的联系方式]与我们联系,安排会议或索取更多信息。 感谢您考虑这个激动人心的机会。我们期待与您的合作可能性。 诚挚问候, Joniver JuaneFounderMall


الموضوع: فرصة استثمارية مثيرة في Mall E-C: الجمع بين التجارة الإلكترونية والخدمات التعليمية

السادة المستثمرين الأعزاء، أتمنى أن تصلكم رسالتي وأنتم بخير. اسمي جونيفر جواني، وأتواصل معكم لأقدم لكم مشروعًا تجاريًا مبتكرًا أعتقد أنه يتمتع بإمكانات كبيرة للنمو والربحية – Mall E-C. عن Mall E-C Mall E-C هو منصة رائدة للتجارة الإلكترونية مقرها في الفلبين، تم تصميمها لتلبية الاحتياجات الديناميكية والمتنامية للسوق الرقمية. منصتنا، المتاحة على، توفر مجموعة شاملة من المنتجات عبر فئات مختلفة، مما يمنح العملاء تجربة تسوق سلسة وسهلة الاستخدام. قيمة فريدة نقدمها ما يميز Mall E-C عن منصات التجارة الإلكترونية الأخرى هو الجمع الفريد بين الخدمات التجارية والتعليمية. بالإضافة إلى مجموعة واسعة من المنتجات، نقدم خدمات تعليمية متكاملة تشمل الدورات التدريبية عبر الإنترنت والندوات الإلكترونية وجلسات التعليم الفردية في مختلف المجالات، لتلبية الاحتياجات التعليمية للطلاب والمحترفين ومحبي التعلم مدى الحياة. لماذا تستثمر في Mall E-C؟ دعوة للاستثمار نبحث حاليًا عن استثمارات لدعم مرحلة النمو التالية، والتي تشمل تعزيز منصتنا، وتوسيع عروض المنتجات والخدمات، وزيادة جهودنا التسويقية. نعتقد أنه بدعمكم، يمكن أن يصبح Mall E-C لاعبًا رئيسيًا في قطاعي التجارة الإلكترونية والتعليم عبر الإنترنت. يسعدنا مناقشة هذه الفرصة بشكل أكبر واستكشاف كيف يمكن لاستثماركم أن يساهم في نجاحنا المشترك. لا تترددوا في التواصل معنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني [email protected] لتحديد موعد اجتماع أو لطلب معلومات إضافية. شكرًا لاهتمامكم بهذه الفرصة المثيرة. نتطلع إلى إمكانية التعاون معكم. أطيب التحيات،جونيفر جوانيالمؤسسMall [email protected]


Subject: Seize the Opportunity to Invest in Mall E-C: Pioneering the Future of E-Commerce in the Philippines

Dear Investors, We invite you to join us in revolutionizing the e-commerce landscape in the Philippines with Mall E-C, a dynamic e-commerce company focused on creating unparalleled shopping experiences and connecting consumers and sellers in innovative ways. With the exponential growth of the e-commerce sector in Southeast Asia, we believe there’s no better time to invest in Mall E-C and benefit from the rising demand in one of the fastest-growing digital markets globally. Why Invest in Mall E-C? What Makes Mall E-C Unique? Mall E-C prioritizes community engagement, creating a cohesive digital space where customers feel part of something larger. Our platform is not just a marketplace but a social experience, connecting buyers and sellers with a shared passion for innovative products, seamless transactions, and a vibrant online community. Join Us in Making a Lasting Impact We invite you to explore the strategic investment opportunities Mall E-C offers as we lead the e-commerce revolution in the Philippines. By joining us, you’ll be part of a company that is shaping the future of online shopping in a market brimming with potential. For further details on investment opportunities and our growth roadmap, please reach out to us at [email protected] or visit Mall E-C’s Website. Let’s pioneer the future of e-commerce together. Sincerely,Joniver JuaneFounderMall E-C


FBI Warns Gmail, Outlook, AOL, and Yahoo Users: Hackers Are Targeting Email Accounts

In a recent alert, the FBI warned that hackers are finding ways into email accounts, even if they’re protected by multifactor authentication (MFA). The attacks often start when users click on phishing links or visit suspicious websites that download malicious software to their computers. The key method? “Cookie theft.” Unlike typical tracking cookies, these “session cookies” or “Remember Me” cookies store login details, so users don’t have to re-enter their credentials every time they visit a website. Hackers who steal these cookies can gain access to email accounts without needing usernames, passwords, or MFA codes. According to Google, this type of cookie theft has become a prime target for attackers. “Remember Me” cookies, created when users check that option at login, can be stolen and used by cybercriminals to impersonate the user. This threat affects not only email accounts like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, and AOL but also shopping and financial platforms. Here’s what you can do to protect yourself: If you think you’ve been a victim of cybercrime, you can report it to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center at


Philippines’ BoP Surplus Soars to Nearly Four-Year High

BoP Surplus Surges in September The Philippines’ balance of payments (BoP) surplus surged to a remarkable $3.526 billion in September, marking the highest level in almost four years. This substantial increase from August’s $88 million surplus and the previous year’s $414 million deficit demonstrates a significant improvement in the country’s foreign exchange position. Key Factors Behind the BoP Surplus The central bank attributed the September surplus primarily to inflows from the government’s foreign currency deposits and income from overseas investments. What is a BoP Surplus? A BoP surplus indicates that more money flowed into the Philippines than flowed out, strengthening the country’s financial position. This positive trend also reflects in the country’s gross international reserves (GIR), which reached $112.7 billion in September, a significant increase from the previous month. Importance of Gross International Reserves (GIR) The ample GIR provides a crucial safety net against market volatility and ensures the country’s ability to pay its debts, even in challenging economic times. Year-to-Date BoP Performance in 2024 For the first nine months of 2024, the Philippines’ BoP surplus reached $5.117 billion, a significant expansion from the previous year’s $1.736 billion surplus. This positive performance was driven by factors such as a narrowing trade deficit, increased remittances, and net foreign borrowings by the government. Key Contributors to the BoP Surplus Outlook With continued strong inflows from remittances, exports, and foreign investments, the Philippines’ BoP is expected to remain in surplus for the remainder of the year. This positive outlook bodes well for the country’s economic stability and resilience.


DTI Empowers Filipino Businesses with Online Negosyo Program

Makati City, Philippines (October 10, 2024) – The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has taken a significant step towards boosting e-commerce growth in the Philippines by launching its Online Negosyo Program (ONP). HtmlThis comprehensive initiative aims to equip Filipino enterprises with the essential skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the digital marketplace. Spearheaded by the DTI’s E-Commerce Bureau (ECB), the ONP brings together a network of industry leaders from e-marketplaces, digital payment providers, and last-mile delivery service providers. These partners will contribute their expertise to develop nine comprehensive learning modules covering a wide range of e-commerce topics, including digital literacy, online presence building, digital marketing strategies, artificial intelligence in business, cybersecurity measures, payment processing and logistics, data analytics, customer relationship management (CRM), and e-commerce law and regulations. To ensure the highest quality of content and delivery, the DTI-ECB has partnered with renowned learning institutions such as Hapinoy, Thames International, and Bayan Academy. These institutions will contribute their educational expertise to develop engaging and informative modules. The ONP modules will be produced with high-quality production values, leveraging the resources of the Presidential Communications Office’s Bagong Pilipinas studios. This will make the content accessible and engaging to a wide audience. The Online Negosyo Program (ONP) is a valuable initiative that empowers Filipino businesses to thrive in the digital age. By providing businesses with the necessary tools and knowledge, the ONP contributes to the growth and development of a vibrant e-commerce ecosystem in the Philippines. This, in turn, fosters entrepreneurship, creates jobs, and improves the competitiveness of Filipino businesses on a global scale. The ONP aligns with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s vision for digital transformation and aims to create an inclusive digital economy. By partnering with industry leaders and leveraging the expertise of educational institutions, the DTI is ensuring that Filipino businesses have the resources they need to thrive in the rapidly evolving digital marketplace.


Marcos Signs Law to Help Students Catch Up After COVID

Manila, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has signed a new law that aims to help Filipino students catch up on their studies after the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted their education. The Academic Recovery and Accessible Learning (ARAL) Program is designed to provide extra support to struggling students, ensuring they can meet their grade level standards. How the ARAL Program WorksThe ARAL Program will be implemented by the Department of Education (DepEd) and will focus on improving students’ skills in essential subjects like reading, math, and science. For kindergarten students, the program will focus on building foundational skills to strengthen their literacy and numeracy competencies. The program will offer tutoring sessions in three flexible delivery modes: face-to-face, online, or a blended learning approach. This ensures that all students, regardless of their location or circumstances, can access the necessary support. Why is the ARAL Program Important?The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on education, leading to learning disruptions and setbacks for many students. The ARAL Program is crucial for addressing these challenges and ensuring that students have the opportunity to catch up on their studies. By providing targeted support and interventions, the program aims to bridge the learning gaps and help students reach their full potential. The Future of Education in the PhilippinesThe ARAL Program is a positive step towards ensuring that all Filipino students have access to quality education. By addressing the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the program can help to strengthen the country’s education system and prepare students for a brighter future.


DTI, DepEd, and Thames International School Partner to Teach E-Commerce in High Schools

Manila, Philippines – Starting this school year, senior high school students in the Philippines will have a new option to learn about e-commerce. The Department of Education (DepEd), the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), and Thames International School have partnered to include an e-commerce track in the senior high school curriculum. Why Teach E-Commerce in High School?The goal of the new track is to prepare students for the digital age and equip them with the skills they need to succeed as entrepreneurs and digital leaders. By learning about e-commerce, students can gain valuable experience in digital marketing, supply chain management, data analytics, and online security. How Will the Program Work?The e-commerce track will be piloted in 50 selected schools in the National Capital Region, Central Luzon, and Calabarzon. Around 1,000 students will have the opportunity to learn from Thames International School’s experts. In the future, the program will be expanded to more schools across the country. Thames International School will also train DepEd teachers so they can teach the e-commerce curriculum themselves. Benefits for Students and the EconomyThe partnership between the DTI, DepEd, and Thames International School is expected to have a significant impact on the Philippine economy. By providing students with the skills they need to succeed in the digital age, the program can help create more jobs and boost economic growth. Additionally, the program can foster a new generation of entrepreneurs who are equipped to compete in the global marketplace.


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